McCoy Tyner
McCoy Tyner talks about playing with John Coltrane
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McCoy Tyner talks about the nuances in learning jazz
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McCoy Tyner discusses his career success and stature
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Q: “All of a sudden, you were ‘there’ with [John] Coltrane when he actually had a band. He had been doing lots of recording under his own name but when he finally said ‘ok, this is my quartet’; there you were…”
A: McCoy Tyner: “Because I had a … there was a previous commitment. I only work with Jazz Hat at six months.”
Interviewer: “Six months?”
McCoy Tyner: “In six months, and you know, I had the big task of telling him that I wanted to go with Coltrane because he had ... Vince finally left Moss, you know, and so it was time for me to make that move and it was for a 20-year-old guy, you know, stand in front of these guys, and say, "Look, thanks a lot, but I've got to go with Coltrane." It was pretty difficult, but I mean, it was something I had to do and as we well know historically, it was a right move to make, you know.”