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This project was made possible by funding through the Canadian Culture Online Strategy and the Heritage Policy Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Canadian Heritage

Larry Vuckovich

Larry Vuckovich discusses his move to America from Yugoslavia

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Larry Vuckovich discusses his first impressions on hearing 'real' American jazz

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Larry Vuckovich talks about musical inspiration

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Q: “Does it come to you as sort of a complete arrangement or do you think to yourself ‘oh, wait a minute, I’ll make this into a quintet’ or ‘this should be a trio tune’ or is it just as pure music that it comes to you first?”

A: “Like on the tune that I had on 'Blue Balkan'. That happened pretty quickly overall and there is an interlude there in between the solos. And that thing I needed, I wanted to insert something and I heard like the melody 'Blue Balkan', I haven't heard anywhere. It's an original thing based on some kind of motifs and scales, but the interlude I was influenced and it's, of course, not note for note. Barták had in one of the piano, Romanian dancers, I believe. It had a similar pattern, but again it wasn't like that. It's just the triplet rhythms that he used in there. I said, "Man, I've got to have that."