Larry Vuckovich
Larry Vuckovich discusses his move to America from Yugoslavia
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Larry Vuckovich discusses his first impressions on hearing 'real' American jazz
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Larry Vuckovich talks about musical inspiration
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Q: “Does it come to you as sort of a complete arrangement or do you think to yourself ‘oh, wait a minute, I’ll make this into a quintet’ or ‘this should be a trio tune’ or is it just as pure music that it comes to you first?”
A: “Like on the tune that I had on 'Blue Balkan'. That happened pretty quickly overall and there is an interlude there in between the solos. And that thing I needed, I wanted to insert something and I heard like the melody 'Blue Balkan', I haven't heard anywhere. It's an original thing based on some kind of motifs and scales, but the interlude I was influenced and it's, of course, not note for note. Barták had in one of the piano, Romanian dancers, I believe. It had a similar pattern, but again it wasn't like that. It's just the triplet rhythms that he used in there. I said, "Man, I've got to have that."