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This project was made possible by funding through the Canadian Culture Online Strategy and the Heritage Policy Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Canadian Heritage

Humphrey Lyttelton

Humphrey Lyttelton discusses his first impression of American music

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Humphrey Lyttelton discusses his sideline as a cartoonist

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Humphrey Lyttelton discusses the 1950s

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Q: “Were they good times for you, through the fifties - because you were as popular as anyone else, you worked as much as you wished I’m sure…”

A: “They were good times, but I don't regret their passing now, because making all these decisions to go in different directions and go, for instance, making the decision to throw off a large number of my fans, which was a deliberate thing when I started to bring in the saxophones in that. I was well aware that a lot of people would have said, though, that's finished and they still do.”