21 Band(s) Found
Learn more about the bands featured on the Archive! Here you will find a complete alphabetical listing of all of the groups that have given performances for JAZZ FM.91's Sound of Jazz Concert Series since the Series began as 'Sound of Toronto' in 1976.
- Sam Noto Quintet
Sam Noto/Eugene Amaro Quintet
Sam Noto_Gene Amaro Quintet
Sean Bray/Michael Occhipinti Trio
Sean Bray_Michael Occhipinti Trio
Shelly Berger Sextet
Shelly Burger Sextet
Shox Johnson and The Toronto Jive Bombers
Sonny Greenwich
Steve Crowe Quintet
Steve Holt Trio - Steve Lederer Quintet
Steve McDade
Steve McDade Quintet
Steve Smith Trio
Steve Wallace and Lester Days
Steve Wallace and Lester-days
Steve Wallace Quintet
Stuart Broomer Quartet
Swing Pigs
Swing Sisters